Phenomenon: from NAS separate one CIFS file system sharing, client windows10 the error message "the mapped network drive cannot be created due to the following error: the specified network name is no longer available".
Troubleshooting, generally first check whether the function is installed or not, that is CIFS on the control panel-- program-- start off
When it was not installed, it was solved after installation. This time it was installed on the client.
Let's take a look at the services. Are some services started? For example computer browser wait, there is no problem.
Finally, we can only see that the protocol version does not correspond.
1, install the network packet capture tool on the client, such wireshark.
1, when mounting, the packet capture analysis found that there was a problem and the protocol version was incorrect.
2, find a way,
Powershell run the following command:
Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB2Protocol
sc.exe qc lanmanworkstation //查看用的smb几
Last run: SC .exe config lanmanworkstation depend= bowser/mrxsmb10/mrxsmb20/nsi
SC .exe config mrxsmb20 start= auto
then restart, complete, Mount successfully.
Summary: it is stored SMB the protocol does not match the protocol of the client. SMB the protocol can be automatically matched.
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