Background requirements:
for storage device operation and maintenance, normally, the storage must be saved syslog it is necessary to dump logs and device logs, and it is better to dump them to other third-party platforms instead of their own controllers or SVP, SP in order to keep traces in compliance, the current demand is to put the chrysanthemum factory OceanStor syslog log dump logstash, and then ES log server.
By manufacturer400 and you are blind, there is a configuration interface, as follows:
Activate storage as required UDP access from IP address to es address, such as 5044.
OK, activate network policy access, and configure the storage test.
Phenomenon: the ES Log server can't receive it anyway.
Consult again400 and experts said, there is nothing wrong with the configuration, that's it, there is no following, the test is not successful, it is not good, continue to find, is there any test means and methods, after several twists and turns, finally, the counterpart expert was found and the following experiments were conducted:
1. First ping from the storage minisystem to see if it works. The CLI is as follows:
>change user_mode current_mode user_mode=developer
> ping the IP address of the Log server
found that it doesn't work, the problem may be found, according to the expert advice and statement, stored ping
it's not just the light configuration the syslog of the GUI and the UDP port can be opened for access, and the ping action must be released.
2. Follow the network activation process. After ping is released, the test is successful and the ES Log server can receive the information.
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