database error ORA-01578:ORACLE data block is damaged (file number 14, block number 26736), please store and solve
JAGUAR  2024-08-13 13:51   published in China


upper-layer database Oracle, back-end storage, centralized storage based on FC SAN, enterprise storage or primary storage, business operation and maintenance feedback, database query error, error information is as follows:

ORA-01578:ORACLE data block is damaged (file number 14, block number 26736)

ORA-01110: Data File 14 & rsquo;/oradata/tablesapce/DB_ XXYY.DBF’


root cause guess:

this may be caused by abnormal database shutdown and other operations such as relocation or change. For example, during relocation, the database should be shut down and the operating system server should be shut down, finally, shut down the fiber optic switch and storage. If the database is not shut down first, the storage is shut down first, or the abnormal server is shut down, resulting in the write data not being finished, this error will be reported if the data is incomplete and abnormal when the server or service is reidentified and scanned next time it is started.


Solutions or suggestions:

according to the analysis, it may be a database exception caused by operations such as abnormal database shutdown.

We recommend that you restart the server and restore the database to check whether it is normal.

Restart the server, restore the database again, and then restore to normal.







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