comparison between Cisco optical intersection and Boke optical intersection
JAGUAR  2024-08-15 08:22   published in China

In the field of storage fiber switches, there are mainly two brands, Boko and Cisco, and there were also Qlogic, later Qlogic after being acquired by Boke, only Boke and Cisco are left. Boke accounts for the majority, while Cisco is relatively less, mainly in IP for various reasons, the network needs to be touched. Today, I 'd like to summarize the relevant information of Cisco optical communication. It's just a matter of fun.


The main operation of optical intersection, or stroke zone.


First, look, create zone step comparison:

Conclusion: I am used to Boke's commands. Looking at Cisco, it is relatively complicated and tedious. The operation steps are similar. Cisco and Boke are also different1-2 steps, Boke does not have VSAN step, and commands boke to basically complete one command, Cisco needs 2 or more, in general, can be achieved, just operating habits, you may need to get used to it.

II, comparison of common inspection commands:

>show environment

>show version

corresponding to Boke switchstatusshow.

>show interface brief

corresponding to Boke switchshow or portshow

>show interface fc1/5 transceiver details

not displayed uW power, only dBm is displayed.

Corresponding to Boke portshow

>show interface fc1/5 (brief/CRC/LOSS)

Corresponding to Boke porterrshow, Boko shows more completely and intuitively.

>show interface counters brief

>show interface fc1/5 counters brief


>show environment temperature

对应博科 sensorshow 或 tempshow

>show environment  power


>show environment fan


>show version


>show logging


>show tech-support


>show inventory


>show license


>show interface mgnt 0

Corresponding to Boke ipaddrshow


>switchname xxx

corresponding to Boke is also switchname, but Cisco has to enter config t mode.

>config t

>interface mgmt 0

> ip address IP mask

>no shutdown

> ip default-gateway gateway

>show ip interface mgmt 0

 Corresponding to Boke ipaddrset

  corresponding to Boke ipaddrset

- cut off-

- cut off-

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